Datasets for the paper Monocular Template-based Reconstruction of Smooth and Inextensible Surfaces

F. Brunet, R. Hartley, A. Bartoli, N. Navab, R. Malgouyres

  • (730 Mo). A collection of 2000 synthetically generated pieces of paper saved as Matlab MAT files. Each MAT file contains: the 3D points on a bent piece of paper (arranged on a grid of size 100x100), the corresponding 2D projections in the input image, the corresponding 2D points in the template image, and the camera matrix for the input image.
  • (205 Mo). Video and 2D point correspondences of a moving and bending piece of paper with self-occlusions. Each frame of the video is stored in a separate Matlab MAT file. These files contains: the template image, the input image, 2D points in the template image and the corresponding points in the input image, the camera matrix for the input image.