In this chapter, we bring several contributions.
We first demonstrate in section 6.2 that the warps based on tensor-product B-splines (hereinafter abbreviated BS-Warp) corresponds to affine imaging condition, in the sense that it models the affine projection of some 3D surface.
We then propose our most important contribution in section 6.3: a novel parametric warp we call NURBS-Warp, that extends the classical BS-Warp to perspective projection.
This warp has a simple analytical form: it is obtained as the two-way tensor-product of bivalued Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS).
Finally, we give in section 6.4 algorithms for the feature-based estimation of our NURBS-Warp.
More precisely, we consider that a set
of point correspondences between the two images is known, and show how the parameters that minimize the classical transfer error can be found, by solving: